Como corolario a este evento, el Mtro. Noel Guzmán escribió una reseña al respecto. Aquí la tienen:
Monday, June 11, The Vicerrectoria de Docencia of the BUAP invited Professor Axel
Didriksson, one of the recognized Mexican scholars to talk about education. If
there is something that catches my attention during the present times is
education. Higher education I mean. What does truly education stand for in our
so called “modern times”? Doesn’t it represent an old-fashion topic for the statu quo? Does education mean something
for all of us nowadays? What do really young students interest
them now? How do they evaluate themselves being or ¿studying? at a university? It
does not matter if it is a public one or a private one. Mr. Didriksson answers these
and other key questions about education then.
Professor Didriksson does know what Higher Education
really means. He unveils the terrible condition (s) in which the Mexican
education is immersed. At the lecture, he mainly contrasted Mexico and the rest
of the world on this matter. Unfortunately, Mexico is left behind in comparison
with countries such as Finland, Canada, Brazil, India, and South Korea. And
what he profoundly preoccupies are the young people. Out of 10 students who are
ready to study the university, only three of them are who are studying it. Mr.
Didriksson shares a commentary that made me think of our situation at the BUAP
campus Tehuacan and the BUAP in general and the universities in general. The
commentary relies on what he calls “patito”, “patote” and “patota” universities
in our education system. However, according to him, either a public or a private
one can hold such a tag.
On what arguments does Professor Didriksson base his
commentary? The data shared during the conference taught us that according to
the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Mexico
is not totally on track talking about education. Its young people are not
receiving the education they deserve in order to become themselves
cognitive researchers. What does it mean to be a cognitive researcher? It means
that one of the undergraduate and graduate students will be able to search and
evaluate for information critically that allows them to solve problems that
they will face in the real life. Mr. Didriksson assures that our education is
still in Mode 1 which consists of memorizing information, ignoring what culture
means, passive students in the end.
The importance of the latter is
simple. Societies, not society, technology and “freedom”, etc. moved on to
different scenarios at this moment and mean a lot of things for us now. In
order to be on track and reach a real well-being we –here I include anyone of
our species, the human being- have to work for it. How? Professor Axel has his
own brilliant ideas that I respect. To get started, I urge my university
friends to get ready to know how to deal with the media, the time we invest to
our studies, the advantages and disadvantages of technology, and among other
tips. Are we able to discuss a piece of information from an essay, any reading?
Yes. No. What do I do to solve the problem? What am I waiting for to go beyond
the information I get at school? Am I the one who still thinks that my
professor is the owner of the knowledge?
Finally, I ask the following
questions: When is it the time to work for myself? And, others? Do we really
care about them? Do I know my weaknesses and strengths in certain
subjects? Who can I talk with to improve
my performance as a student and as a human being? A human being? What does it
mean to be Mexican? What is Mexico? What is the entire world doing right now? Are
there people far beyond Mexico’s borders?
Noel Guzman
12, 2012
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